Visit of the Director General for Housing and Rehabilitation of Andalusia

visita Susana Cayuela Junta Andaluciavisita Susana Cayuela Junta Andalucia

The Tesela team had the pleasure of welcoming Susana Cayuelas Porras, Director General of the Housing and Rehabilitation Agency of the Andalusian Regional Government, at our CSA Cluster facilities. It was a relaxed meeting where we had the opportunity to share our experiences and activities in the field of housing and renovation in the region.

During the talk, we were able to present first-hand the various initiatives and projects that we carry out at Tesela, as well as discuss the significant impact that our business has on the construction and materials sector in the community. The exchange of views allowed us to explore possible synergies and future collaborations to further contribute to sustainable development and continuous improvement in our field of action.