Strategic partnerships

TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. is a member of the Clúster de la Construcción Sostenible de Andalucía, where it currently maintains its business headquarters.
TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. currently has an agreement in force with the University of Granada through the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology.
TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. is a member of the Spanish Construction Technology Platform.
TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. is a partner of the Open Heritage Platform: Research and Society (PTI-PAIS CSIC).
The UNESCO Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage and the ERA EU Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage of the Cyprus University of Technology and Tesela, Materials Innovation, and Heritage S.L. formally agree on the development of a direct cultural and scientific cooperation in Cultural Heritage Documentation that will have mutual advantages for both organizations in the following articles of cooperation.
TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. is a member of the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Granada (AJE Granada).

TESELA Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio is an associated company of the Spanish Group of the International Institute for Conservation, also known as the Spanish Conservation Group of the IIC (GE-IIC), an Association made up of more than 300 professionals working in the field of conservation-restoration linked to science, art and history through research, professional work and education since 1996.