Policies and certifications

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EQA certifies that TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. complies with the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The quality management system applies to the following scope:

  • Provision of the building materials characterisation service.
  • Development of R&D projects on raw materials and construction materials.
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EQA certifies that TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. complies with the ISO 166002:2021 standard. The quality management system applies to the following scope:

  • Development of R&D projects on raw materials and construction materials.
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EQA certifies that TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. complies with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. The quality management system applies to the following scope:

  • Provision of the building materials characterisation service.
  • Development of R&D projects on raw materials and construction materials.
pyme tesela

TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. as of 17/06/2021 and in accordance with Order ECC/1087/2015, of 5 June, is registered in the public register of Small and Medium Innovative Companies with the file number: PYI-2014-100105.

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TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. is a voluntary signatory of the Diversity Charter since 19/09/2022. In this way, respecting the current regulations on equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

quality policy

TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. has a quality policy in accordance with current European regulations.

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TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L. voluntarily has an accredited Equality policy and plan. In this way, respecting the current regulations on equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

registro huella carbono TESELA 1

TESELA, Materiales Innovation and Heritage has the CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION in the Registry of carbon footprint, compensation and CO2 absorption projects of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

Calculation year: 2022
Stamp type: Calculation
Ranges: 1+2
Limits: Activities for providing R&D&I services applied to areas are included.
constructive and heritage projects developed at its sole headquarters in Padul (Granada).