TESELA was present at the heritage conservation event for 2021-2022 in the province of Granada.

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TESELA was present at the presentation of the program of the conservation plan of the rural archaeological and paleontological heritage, corresponding to the period 2021-2022 of the Provincial Council, and managed through the area of Public Works and Housing. The main objective of this program is to work with municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants to protect, conserve and highlight their heritage. It also seeks to promote knowledge of the cultural values associated with this heritage and to foster citizens’ awareness and identification with its legacy, recognizing it as a fundamental element for its safeguarding.

In the first call made in 2020, funds were allocated to carry out actions in 20 municipalities, with an investment of 300,000 euros. Thanks to this aid, interventions were carried out on important sites ranging from prehistoric times to the Middle and Modern Ages.

In the area of the prehistoric period, interventions were carried out at important sites such as Fonelas, Diezma, Jabalcón, Dílar and Villavieja. In addition, conservation actions were carried out on heritage assets dating back to antiquity, such as the Tutugí site in Galera, the Roman Villa of El Salar and the Roman Theatre of Guadix.

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