hermETICS. A new self-healing mortar for ETICS
In TESELA we continue innovating and advancing in the European project hermETICS.
🏠 The project is part of the sustainable construction sector and consists of the development of mortars for Exterior Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) with high lightness and self-repairing properties.
On the one hand, the mortar uses used car tyres or “End of Life Tyres” (ELT) 🚗, which act not only as a lightening material, but also reduce the environmental impact by introducing waste into the value chain. This represents a sustainable alternative to comply with the environmental strategies proposed by the European Commission.
On the other hand, the mortar integrates self-repairing materials that act on possible cracks caused by exogenous factors, improving air tightness and reducing thermal bridges in the building envelope. 🔧
Thanks to all the partners involved and to the collaborators of this project 🌎.
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) | European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) | European Clusters Alliance | POLYMERIS | Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley | Bax & Company | FundingBox | Jozef Stefan Institute | Clust-ER Meccatronica e Motoristica | Autoklastr | Clúster de Materials Avançats de Catalunya | Technische Universität Chemnitz | Flanders Make | Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) | IMAST scarl | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya | MANU-KET | MATERPLAT – Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Materiales Avanzados y Nanomateriales | Polish Automotive Group | i-TRIBOMAT: The European Tribology Centre | Tekniker | Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies / Polski Klaster Technologii Kompozytowych | CTAG – Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia