TESELA is a new member of the association Hispania Nostra

馃摙 Excited to announce that TESELA has become the 3130th member of Hispania Nostra, the association founded in 1976 and honorary presided over by H.M. the Queen of Spain D陋 Letizia. Hispania Nostra was recognised in 2021 with the Medal of Honour of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, and declared of public utility, thanks to its defence, safeguarding and enhancement of cultural heritage.
馃挮 For all our stakeholders, being part of Hispania Nostra is not only a source of pride but also a responsibility and commitment to the preservation and protection of our cultural heritage, a task that since our foundation in 2015 we have tried to carry out in the best of ways.
馃挕 We certainly believe that from now on we are stronger together and that we will achieve our objectives in less time and in a better way to continue promoting initiatives that promote the conservation and appreciation of our rich cultural heritage.