Tesela bets on innovation in traditional materials for the urban paving of Granada

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The Granada-based company is dedicated to applied research and technological development in areas related to raw materials, construction materials and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Editor/ E. Roda

Tesela, is an innovative technology-based SME located in the Clúster de la Construcción Sostenible de Andalucía (Padul, Granada). The company was founded in Granada in 2015 by professionals with a solid and extensive experience in the sectors of historical heritage and construction. Since its origins, the company has been committed to quality, respect for the environment and social responsibility, considering reliability, commitment and a high level of service as key factors in achieving success. Furthermore, Tesela is closely linked to the University of Granada through the incorporation of researchers and technicians participating in different scientific groups with which it collaborates in research projects.

Project ‘Mosaic’

In the design and construction of architectural works, it is essential to consider elements that not only provide artistic perspectives, but also sociological ones and preserve intangible cultural heritage. In this context, hydraulic tiles have been fundamental elements in urban architecture from the 19th century to the present day.

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Hydraulic tiles have been a fundamental element in urban architecture from the 19th century to the present day.

Despite the widespread application of hydraulic tiles, research into their technical and environmental aspects is very limited. Faced with this challenge, Tesela together with another company from Granada, Mosaicos Lamardelejos, has opted for innovation in an urban environment and to this end presented the ‘Mosaic’ project to the European Commission at the end of 2023.

This ambitious and innovative project has finally been recently selected for implementation and aims to expand the possibilities of using an innovative type of hydraulic tiles for urban paving to replace conventional concrete tiles.

As regards the technical strategy adopted, it is distinguished by the use of new high-performance hydraulic materials, surpassing the characteristics of Portland cement. At the same time, artisanal manufacturing methods will be combined with 3D additive techniques, thus achieving process reproducibility and a significant reduction in material costs.

Institutional Support

Finally, the project has the support of the Granada City Council and its urban planning department in order to integrate this new type of material in different areas of the city of Granada, and at the same time to promote innovation as an urban solution.
Thus providing the city with a new aesthetic solution in terms of urban planning, and also generating a versatile alternative, as the tiles will not only serve as paving, but will also play a crucial role in road signage for pedestrians and people with functional diversity.

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