TESELA signs a bilateral agreement with the UNESCO Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage and the EU ERA Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage of the TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS
TESELA Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio is an associated company of the Spanish Group of the International Institute for Conservation, also known as the Spanish Conservation Group of the IIC (GE-IIC), an Association made up of more than 300 professionals working in the field of conservation-restoration linked to science, art and history through research, professional work and education since 1996.
The work of the Spanish Group of the IIC was recognised at national level in 2009 when it was declared of Public Utility by Order of the Ministry of the Interior 3404/2009 (BOE 18-12-2009).
In 2011, the Ministry of Culture awarded it the National Restoration Prize for its long history as an association and exponent of the participation of civil society in the conservation, research, training and dissemination of cultural heritage.
At Tesela we are very happy to be able to collaborate, contribute and join a group of such importance and recognition in the field of heritage.