PTEC Conference on Sustainable Materials, Circular Economy and Rehabilitation

We have been able to attend as speakers at the “Spanish Construction Technology Platform (PTEC) Conference on Sustainable Materials, Circular Economy and Rehabilitation”. The conference was held at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (IETCC-CSIC) and we shared our knowledge on the importance of previous studies on heritage during the rehabilitation and restoration stages of historical architectural heritage.
Our CEO, Eugenio Navarro, gave a presentation entitled “Rehabilitation and restoration of historical architectural heritage: The importance of previous studies on materials”.
In addition, Eugenio Navarro’s presentation served as a preamble to other important talks that took place during the event. Laura Soler Murolas, representative of Ferrovial, Mariano Corroto from OTIFA, Silvia Fernández Marín from AEICE Clúster de Hábitat Eficiente and Arturo Alarcón Barrio from Instituto Español del Cemento y sus Aplicaciones (IECA), addressed the importance of rehabilitation for architectural heritage and highlighted the fundamental role of good building maintenance and efficient waste management in the integral heritage cycle.
Finally, the event has once again demonstrated the need to promote sustainability and the circular economy in the construction sector, highlighting the potential of rehabilitation as a vital tool to preserve and value our historical architectural heritage.
Below you can watch Eugenio Navarro’s presentation.