REVOLUM Project: A strategic milestone for Tesela in challenging times

Tesela is proud to announce that the acronym REVOLUM has become an indelible mark in our history. This is our first major R&D project, a strategic initiative that began at a special time for the whole world: March 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, with uncertainty, pain and ERTE affecting all parts of society. Despite the odds, Revolum pressed on, overcoming obstacles and barriers, driven by a determination to find a solution to a problem that most had already come to terms with.
Today, two and a half years later, we can proudly state that yes, it was possible and it was worth it. Revolum has left a significant mark on Tesela and has proven its worth. During this time, we have worked hard and overcome challenges to achieve the goals set. The project has been a testament to the innovative capacity and perseverance of our team.
We would like to thank the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI innovacion) for their invaluable support in the development of Revolum. Your support has given us the impetus to move forward and achieve significant results. We would also like to thank all those who have participated in one way or another in making this project possible. Your dedication and commitment have been fundamental to its success.
The Revolum experience has provided us with valuable lessons and further impetus to continue to innovate and address future challenges. We will continue to work at the forefront of technology and seek solutions that benefit society as a whole.
We will continue to build on Revolum’s legacy and explore new opportunities to make a positive impact in the world.
The journey continues and Tesela is ready to continue to lead in the field of innovation!