CALSILAM R&D Project: Transforming construction with additive technology of hydrated calcium silicate hydrates


We are very excited to share that the European METABUILDING project through its second call “GROW” has selected our innovative R&D proposal called CALSILAM.

CALSILAM is a revolutionary project that aims to transform the construction sector through additive manufacturing with hydrated calcium silicates. What does this mean exactly? We partnered with PRINT4D and the CETIM Technology Centre to realise this ambitious idea that promises to be a game changer in the construction industry.

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has proven to be a promising technology in a number of fields, and now we are bringing this innovation to the construction sector. Our unique approach of using hydrated calcium silicates as a base material allows us to build more efficient, sustainable and stronger structures.

The collaboration with PRINT4D and CETIM provides us with a multidisciplinary team of experts in additive technology and materials development, allowing us to push the boundaries of traditional construction even further. Juntos, estamos desafiando las limitaciones convencionales y abriendo nuevas posibilidades en términos de diseño arquitectónico, eficiencia energética y reducción de residuos.

The recognition obtained through the Grow/Harvest funding is a clear endorsement of CALSILAM’s vision and potential. We are excited to have the resources necessary to advance our research and conduct practical trials to demonstrate the benefits and feasibility of this technology.

Our team is dedicated to creating a positive impact on the construction industry and the environment through innovation. We look forward to sharing CALSILAM’s progress and results as the project moves forward.

Stay tuned for future updates as we work hard to change the game in the construction sector. Together, we can build a better and more sustainable future.


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