Launch of the REMARBLE project

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📢 We are very pleased to present the launch of the European REMARBLE Project, funded through the greenSME call (Horizon Europe, GA No. 101058613). This initiative is led by TESELA Materials Innovation and Heritage, acting as SME developer, with the invaluable support of CHEMICAL BUILDING PROJECT as SME manufacturer.

🏗️ 🏠 European REMARBLE project: Transformation of marble cutting waste into a sustainable filler material for specialised low-carbon mortars. 🏗️ 🏠

🎯 Objective: REMARBLE aims to create an innovative material by incorporating treated sludge from marble cutting waste into flexible cementitious mortars. These materials will be sourced from marble manufacturing companies near Macael, with the ultimate goal of delivering a demonstration prototype in a relevant environment (TRL 6).

A sincere thank you to all our partners, collaborators and project coordinators for their dedication and support 🤝!

GreenerFuture Leicestershire
Horizon Europe
CIM4.0 – Competence Center |
Technische Universität Braunschweig |
Technische Universität Dortmund |
Mesap Innovation Cluster |
Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing |
F6S Innovation
Teknologisk Institut

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