End of the European MOSAIC project

We are very happy to announce the end of the European project MOSAIC: A new pavement for the city of Granada.
After a year of work, one of the most beautiful and innovative projects we have carried out in recent years has come to an end.
A year ago we launched the European project MOSAIC, funded by the Eurocluster Friend CCI (SMP-COSME-2021-CLUSTER, GA. No. 101074465), under the coordination of TESELA Materials Innovation and Heritage.
The project aims to redefine artistic wall and floor coverings through the innovative use of hydraulic tile, a building material dating back to the 19th century. In doing so, we prioritise technical excellence as well as environmental sustainability.
️ In addition, the project envisages the implementation of this tile as urban paving in Granada. Different symbols of the city have been taken into account, together with a design that contemplates the inclusion of all people and pedestrians, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
We extend our thanks to our partners and collaborators :
Baldosas hidráulicas La Mar de Lejos
NGI Systems
Clúster Veneciano
Clusters de Francia
Clúster IDiA
OpenHub Galati
ITALCAM Cámara de comercio italo-alemana
Plataforma europea de colaboración entre clústeres (PECC)
Agencia Ejecutiva del Consejo Europeo de Innovación y de las PYME (EISMEA)
Comisión Europea
Ayuntamiento de Granada
Junta de Andalucía