European Cluster 5 project: HERIT4AGES. Sustainable Construction and Heritage.

Horizonte EuropaHorizonte Europa

It will be hard to forget the day we were informed of the award and start of the HERIT4AGES project within the framework of the HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02 call, one of the most difficult in Europe and one in which competition is generally very high.

The project is of special interest to us as it represents the essence of TESELA: Materials, Heritage and Innovation. All of this united under a unique, collaborative and high-impact European project.

We refer to the recently approved HERIT4AGES project, whose overall objective will be the development and validation of different technical and socially innovative solutions for the improvement and preservation of cultural heritage in all relevant aspects: inclusivity, accessibility, resilience, sustainability, and energy efficiency.

TESELA (work package partner) will work hand in hand with CETIM (work package leader) during the HERIT4AGES project on the R&D of three types of complex and composite materials from various local wastes (industrial and bio-based), replacing high environmental impact commercial components used in the sector, thus contributing to a circular economy and carbon footprint reduction. These three types of materials will form three types of demountable construction solutions for heritage renovation: Herit4ages wall, Herit4ages floor and Herit4ages ceiling. All this, accompanied by the Life Cycle Analysis for each solution.

In addition, the results of the project will be tested in five real environments, two of them in Spain. Specifically, in the Romanesque Hermitage of Canduela and in the Posada Santa María la Real (Aguilar de Campoo, Palencia).

? We will be part of a consortium of 12 entities from Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic, coordinated by Tyndall National InstituteIERC – International Energy Research Centre (coordinator): CETIM | IDP Ingeniería, Medio ambiente y Arquitectura | Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico | UNINOVA | Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna | FENIX TNT | Institute of Baltic Studies | Łukasiewicz – Warszawski Instytut Technologiczny | Politechnika Warszawska | Câmara Municipal do Funchal

? All of this will be funded by: European Commission and Horizon Europe.

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