TESELA implements an Equality Plan to promote fairness and diversity in the work environment

WhatsApp Image 2023 05 25 at 18.23.22WhatsApp Image 2023 05 25 at 18.23.22

At TESELA we recognise the importance of promoting equal opportunities and mutual respect among all members of our team, which is why we have implemented an Equality Plan. The main objective of this plan is to promote gender equality, diversity and inclusion in our work environment, creating a fair and respectful working environment for all our employees.

With the implementation of this Equality Plan, we seek to eliminate any form of gender-based discrimination, guarantee equal pay, promote work-life balance, and encourage the active participation of women in leadership and decision-making positions.

Finally, we would like to thank the trade unions C.C.O.O. and FESMC-U.G.T. for their willingness during the implementation.

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