Singilia Barba is located northwest of Antequera (Province of Malaga, Spain), in the grounds of the farmhouse of the Castillon.
Archaeological research has revealed the existence of an important nucleus, from the Roman-Imperial period, which had the category of “Municipium” with a probable orthogonal layout, staggered on a hillside, and, in part, superimposed on the pre-Roman nucleus that preceded it. Its commercial and economic importance is reaffirmed by the existence of a pottery.
The Roman city came to hold the category of municipium, which within the context of the Republic and the Empire was established in the most intensely Romanized territories. It was one of the richest and most prosperous in the area. During the reign of Emperor Vespasian, the city was granted the status of civitas libera, giving it legislative and financial autonomy.
The aim of this study was the characterization of seven samples of stone materials and mortars from the archaeological site of Singilia Barba (Antequera, Málaga). For this purpose, a compositional, morphological and textural analysis has been carried out to provide objective and precise data on these materials.