Online Seminar: FACADE INJURIES AND EFFECTIVE ROOFS: 18, 19 and 20 October 2022, from 16:30h to 21:00h

Event 18 Oct 2022 - 20 Oct 2022
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We would like to invite you to the next free online seminar that we will be holding on 18, 19 and 20 October 2022, from 16:30h to 21:00h, entitled “Injuries on efficient facades and roofs”.

During these three days Carlos Sánchez Matamoros (Technical Director of Terra Pinturas) will talk about the importance of paints in rehabilitation processes and building efficiency with talks on:

– Colour theory and tintometry
– Chemistry in paints
– Paint prescription protocol
– Thermo-reflective roofs
– External thermal insulation systems (SATE)

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